Want to row for TRC HP?
Recruiting for the 2024-2025 season is OPEN.
TRC High Performance is looking for young, promising athletes that have not yet been invited to a USRowing Training Center.
The ideal applicant:
Is 0-3 years out of college
Has the ability to work flexible hours for a 20-30 hour week (remote work a plus)
Has demonstrated potential and the drive to improve
Interested in further details? Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page to receive more information.
Rowing for Texas Rowing Center - High Performance
We want to develop athletes that dominate the A-finals of national regattas and have the potential to do the same internationally.
Athletes at TRC HP should be able to train twice a day Monday through Saturday, have a work schedule that allows for afternoon training sessions from 7-9am and 3-5pm, be able to work remotely or take time off for 1-2 weeks at a time for races, and cover their own housing costs.
If athletes need assistance finding a job, TRC has one of the largest Masters’ rowing programs in the country, including employees of many established companies around Austin. We are happy to help connect you to a company that fits your interests and skillset.
Interested athletes should have the potential to hit international-level scores on the Concept2 ergometer. Race results and coach recommendations will also be considered.
2k erg goal
Lightweight Women: 7:10
Lightweight Men: 6:15
Open Women: 6:50
Open Men: 6:00
I want to learn more about TRC HP
This is not an application.
We will be in contact about informational Zoom meetings, news about the program, and requests for any more information. Thanks!